
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are you visiting bars? We got to thinking about the kinds of places people gather in a community, and bars are one of those places. So we decided to visit a bar in every state and talk to people there. 
  • How do you choose which bars you'll go to? At times there is planning involved, and sometimes we let the Holy Spirit work through serendipity. In some communities, we'll visit with friends; in others, we'll go alone.
  • Will you visit my favorite bar? We'd like to! In some states, we've got bars lined up already; in other states we're still working on setting things up. Please, tell us about your bar and why we should go there.
  • What do you do when you're not visiting bars? We write about bars. And see old friends and family. And meet people and go to churches. Lots of churches. See our other blog,
  • How long will you be doing this? 2016 is our year for visiting a bar in every state. After that, we expect to be more than ready to settle down somewhere.
  • Can I get posts via email instead of going to the blog or Facebook? Yes. Look for the subscribe button on the upper corner of the post.
  • How long do you spend at each bar? Usually, around an hour or two sometime between 5:00 and 10:00 on Thursday evening, but sometimes we stay longer, sometimes we go on Wednesday or Friday instead.
  • Do bars know you're coming? Usually not
  • How can I help? It is a great encouragement to know that people are reading, so please always feel free to comment. There will be some financial needs during the year, so if you'd like to help in that way, check out our Patreon page. But the absolute best thing you could do for us is to pray, asking God to be with us and that we could be an encouragement to others on our journey.


  1. Will keep praying. Know money's prob. getting tight. I'll bet you find time for an occasional movie. If not I know you'll catch up.

  2. Thanks! Praying is the best. We're still aiming for a movie in each state, but it's definitely secondary! And God has provided so far and will continue until we've finished whatever He's got in mind for us! Thank you!
