
Saturday, January 6, 2018

We Walk into Art

Tioga-Sequoia Beer Garden, Fresno, California
Last Thursday night, Tioga-Sequoia was participating in Fresno's monthly ArtHop (Tioga-Sequoia called their portion of the event "Arts and Hops"). Along with the craft beers at the bar and pizza available from a food truck, photographs from a local artist were available for sale.

In the spirit of the art hop, we decided to give you photographs from the event -- absolutely free! Enjoy.

This was not the art we were looking for

Proof we're over 21

We found the art!

Dean was happy about the Warriors win. And we appreciated the DJ, too

Hello, Connect 4. You must be a Fresno bar thing.

Beer and Root Beer

We hadn't known there was a brewery district. Now we do

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